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Learn to Connect.

Our classes equip you to connect with people.

Through thousands of interactions over the past decade, we’ve created a network of collaboration, communication, and co-learning — through multi-day classes, short workshops, podcasts, live events, retreats, and online learning that are as unique as those participating in them.

Our process includes carefully designed foundational courses that, when embraced, allow leaders to show the people in their span of care that they are being seen, valued, and heard. It begins with the transformational course, Our Community Listens, where participants gain invaluable communication skills that develop connections and deepen relationships.

Once a participant has completed Our Community Listens, they can enroll in Our Community Serves, where they’ll learn to create a unique culture of service and care for those they have the privilege to lead. Designed with our partners in mind, after completing Our Community Serves, key leaders can take Our Community Transforms, where they will practice integrating critical skills from the previous courses into their organization. They’ll also learn to honor their team members’ values and gifts to accomplish their organization’s vision.

Join dozens of partners and collaborators already choosing the Chapman Foundation for Caring Communities as their communication and leadership advocate.

Listens is the first of our foundational courses. The three-day course is designed to help participants learn how to listen effectively, express themselves clearly, and build better relationships. These skills are essential for success in both personal and professional contexts. In addition, the communication skills training offered by the Chapman Foundation for Caring Communities can help participants to:

– Improve their ability to listen attentively and understand others to foster better relationships at home and at work
– Understand their unique communication profile
– Learn about core behavioral tendencies
– Discover how to flex their communication for the comfort of others
– Appreciate the diverse contributions others bring to our lives and leadership
– Discover and experience how listening empowers people to help others, improve relationships and increase the opportunity for personal and team achievement
– Learn the common misgivings about confrontation and power and will receive a practical method to positively and respectfully confront others to create change
– Express themselves more clearly and effectively
– Resolve conflicts peacefully and productively
– Lead more effectively and inspire others
– Improve Self Awareness
– Understand what motivates their team members
– Connect the principles and practices learned in class to their life and leadership after class, reflect on how to reset their relational default modes, and learn how to leverage the most value out of the Continuous Learning process after the classroom experience ends

Serves is the second of our foundational courses. After implementing Listening into leadership, Listens alumni can now take Serves to integrate service concepts into their everyday leadership moments. 

The course provides opportunities for self-reflection, personal practice, and tangible takeaways to bring back to your organization to encourage a service and accountability mindset. 

Transforms is the third of our foundational courses. This course integrates key skills from Listens and Serves. Attendees of Transforms will learn to honor their team members’ values and gifts to accomplish their organization’s vision. Sessions will include:

  • Knowing Who You Are
  • Build Trust
  • Connect with People
  • Capstone and Celebration
  • Model Truly Human Leadership

In between sessions, participants will participate in coaching calls to grow their leadership and make a plan to create a coaching culture in their workplace.

Individual Participation

We offer our trainings to make a difference, not a profit. As such, we do not ever want money to be a barrier to learning. The suggested investment is only $297 per participant, but we invite you to pay what you can towards the cost of this training.

When you register for your class, you will have the opportunity to select the payment that is right for you. Participation in Our Community Listens is generously subsidized through a gift of the Chapman Foundation for Caring Communities (CFCC).  


While focusing on a specific topic, participants reflect and define their own behavior change and action in an environment created for learning.

Skill Snippets

Refresh your learned skills with Skill Snippets! Condensing foundational lessons into easy-to-digest tidbits, these bursts of info will have you feeling like an expert in no time.

CFCC Podcast

On the Listen First Podcast, you’ll join host Adam Salgat as he connects with an array of fascinating guests from varied backgrounds and perspectives to explore how we can build better relationships both in our professional lives as well as our personal ones.

people at meeting

But don’t take our word for it, see what these participants had to say.

“This program changed the way I approach everything – from my marriage, to my parenting, to other relationships, to the way I lead. Amazing content and very well done!”

– Terry Patton
Greater St Louis Chapter Alumnus

“These were the most valuable three days that I’ve invested in my professional career. This course was truly transformational. I recommend any course from the Chapman Foundation for Caring Communities to anyone who is serious about being a better leader and human. Thank you all for what you do to make these courses available!”

– Joshua Gale
Sr. Marketing Director, CFCC

“Overall this experience has opened many eyes and doors. I have found numerous sections of Our Community Listens to be valuable. This has brought many of us closer than we were, even if we don’t see it. This not only will help in our career fields but in our homes with family and friends. Thank you.”

– Justin
US Military

“Our Community LIstens is an outstanding leadership and communications seminar. Many concepts challenged methods of communication I currently believe in and use, really illuminating my faults (in a good way) and helped me determine methods and tools to get better and create a much better culture and environment within my organization. I would highly recommend to all leaders and supervisors at every level.”

– Richard
Michigan Alumnus

“I learned a lot during Our Community Listens and I also strengthened relationships. This class brought me a lot of insight and joy and I highly recommend this course to others in my department and other organizations.”

– Hannah
Educator, Boulder, CO